30th Oct 2016
Registration for the 9th annual International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy is now open at www.icep.ie/register. Workshops are on December 1 and the main conference is on December 2 at Maynooth University. The Irish Conference on Engaging Pedagogy (www.icep.ie) is celebrating its 9th year in 2016. In 2015 CCT was proud to host the 8th annual conference. […]
25th Oct 2016
LinkedIn have unveiled the Top Skills of 2016, the skills most sought after by employers. The top ten skills are released for the global marketplace, as well as in 18 specific countries including Ireland. ICT/computing form eight of the top ten skills most in demand in Ireland. Cloud and Distributed Computing tops the Irish list for the second year in a row, […]
7th Oct 2016
The Irish Times has reported that Irish education authorities will today announce plans attract 37,000 additional international students to Irish colleges and universities by 2020. This push has been raised by the UK’s Brexit vote, leaving Ireland as the only English-speaking member of the European Union. The plan aims to increase the economic value of international education to €2.1 billion by […]
18th Aug 2016
Bob Savage, vice-president and managing director of EMC Centres of Excellence EMEA and head of EMC Ireland published an article in The Irish Times today, highlighting the importance of Computing in Irish Secondary Schools. Titled “School study of computer science key to Irish knowledge economy“, the article states the view that a reliable supply of […]
27th Jul 2016
CIO.com serves Chief Information Officers (CIOs), other IT leaders, as well as the ecosystem that surrounds and interacts with them. Yesterday they ran an article called “Why every tech pro should learn to code“. The article gives a great insight into the growing demand for coding skills in various IT positions, some fairly distant from software […]