22nd Mar 2022

Pictured with the HECA Research Awards winner Valentina Quiroga (2nd from left), is Marie O’Neill – CCT’s Head of Enhancement, Denis Cummins – CCT’s Dean of School (right), and Neil Gallagher – CCT’s President (left).
We have an amazing student body at CCT College Dublin of which we are very proud. A vibrant and innovative student research culture is a key institutional priority. The Higher Education Colleges Association’s (HECA) inaugural Student Research Awards which launched in 2021 represented an exciting opportunity for HECA students to showcase their research activity. HECA is an association of established and mature independent higher education providers in Ireland representing 27,000 students.
We are delighted to say that two CCT students, Valentina Quiroga and Chris O’Neill finished first and third respectively. Valentina, an undergrad student at CCT won the HECA Research Awards by presenting her COVID related group research project entitled ‘Mobile Application to Travel the World Using Virtual Reality and Machine Learning’. Valentina did this with the help of her teammates Francisco Olivares and Jose Najera.
Chris O’Neill, a Masters student at CCT achieved third place for his research poster entitled, ‘The Shape of a Photon’.
Congratulations also to Niamh McTiernan of Dublin Business School who placed second for the poster Covid-19 The Dynamics of Digital Transformation: Reshaping The Fashion Industry.
Huge congrats and gratitude from our College goes to all student participants and to the HECA Research Committee for organising such an inspiring and important event. You can view the winners and all submitted posters at https://heca.ie/announcing-the-winners/