College Validation, Accreditation, & Memberships

Quality and Qualifications Ireland

CCT College Dublin provides undergraduate and postgraduate level higher education programmes, validated by the Irish state agency – Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI).  All of our academic higher education programmes, comprise ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System).

QQI is the Irish state agency responsible for the external quality assurance of all further and higher education and training (including English language provision), in Ireland, and validates programmes and makes awards for certain providers in these sectors.  CCT is a provider of QQI validated programmes that, on successful completion, will lead to QQI awards at levels 6, 7 and 8 on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications

All CCT programmes leading to QQI awards are career-based and updated each year in line with rapid changes and technological advances within the industry. Students may further their third-level education or enter employment in the areas of business or IT all over the world upon completion of any of these programmes leading to globally recognised awards.

For more information on QQI please visit


National Framework of Qualifications

For more on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications, please see



Through the QQI accredited programmes of CCT, the College has repeatedly secured approval for the delivery of programmes funded under the Springboard+ and Human Capital Initiatives.

        springboard+ logo

Funders Logos 2022 UPDATE


Enterprise Ireland

CCT also comes under the Education in Ireland brand.  Enterprise Ireland manages the Education in Ireland national brand under the authority of the Minister

for Education and Skills.  Enterprise Ireland is responsible for the promotion of Irish Higher Education Institutions overseas.




HECA_Logo_Apr'14 WebCCT is delighted to be a member of the Higher Education Colleges Association (HECA).  The Higher Education Colleges Association (HECA) is an association of respected, independent, private providers of quality higher level education in Ireland. The association was formed in 1991 to represent the interests of its member colleges and their students.  HECA members currently provide higher education for approximately 21,000 students.  HECA runs a group scheme, which provides academic bonding arrangements for the protection of enrolled learners, in the unlikely event of cessation of a programme in any institution.  CCT is proud to be a part of this scheme.


Irish Computer Society


CCT College Dublin is a corporate member of the Irish Computer Society. The Irish Computer Society is the representative voice of Ireland’s IT professionals.




Other Accreditations

In addition to the above accreditations, recognition and memberships, the College offers preparatory courses for industry accredited examinations of Microsoft, Cisco and CompTIA.



More Reasons to Choose CCT College Dublin