11th Aug 2015
Dublin’s extension to the popular light-rail/tram service LUAS, dubbed the LUAS Cross City, will stop at CCT’s doorstep when the project is complete in 2017. The €368 million Cross City project is linking the LUAS green line which currently runs from St. Stephen’s Green to Bride’s Glen in south County Dublin, and the red line which runs from The Point / Connolly Station to Tallaght / Saggart. Continues below…
The LUAS Cross City will run from St. Stephen’s Green to Broombridge, joining the green and red lines. The photo here shows an artist’s impression of a northbound LUAS stopped at CCT’s doorstep on Westmoreland St. Thanks to our friends at Big Dog Digital for tipping us off when they spotted the photo in this article on Joe.ie. It is also on www.luascrosscity.ie, where you can find more inofrmation on the LUAS Cross City project.