Prospective Students

Central Application Office (CAO) Applicants

CCT is part of the Central Applications Office (CAO) system. The Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of Ireland have delegated to CAO the task of processing centrally applications to their first year undergraduate courses.

CAO is a not-for-profit company registered in Ireland, required to deal with applications in an efficient and fair manner. Please visit the CAO Handbook and for more information on applying to CCT programmes through the CAO system.

Applicants under the age of 23 years, need to apply for full time undergraduate courses via the CAO.  The CAO applications facility for 2020/2021 academic year is now closed. If you have already applied to the CAO, you can avail of the Change of Mind facility until the 1st of July to reorder your course preferences.  If you have not already applied to the CAO this year, you can apply for ‘vacant places’ at the end of August.  Please see the CAO website for more details.

We have availability for a range of full-time Higher Certificate (Level 6), Ordinary Degree (Level 7) and Honours Degree (Level 8) undergraduate programmes.